Tuesday 1 October 2013

Bits and Pieces

 So! This is really an exciting post. But, oh my gosh, I actually am going to be very busy this week! I've been slacking off for a few days (enjoying half of the uni week break) but I gotta get down to business for the rest of the week! Took my sister to her early entry interviews for university yesterday (which went very well), I dyed my hair today, going job hunting and buying birthday presents tomorrow and the rest of the week I will be churning out my assignments! Hopefully I get a lot done! I have a lot of things I want to post on here, and show my new hair (it really doesn't look that different) and other things that have been on my mind lately.

Anyway, this is what I wore to uni last Tuesday. It was actually a hot day, so I got hot and bothered (The undershirt is long sleeved rolled up also). I live on the edge of the mountain so it's always a bit more chilly or cooler at home than it is in the middle of town. But regardless, this is probably one of my favourite outfits to wear, in terms of comfy clothes, this is my favourite throw over, it's a men's X-Large shirt from Cotton On, and the shit underneath, one of my favourite shirts from General Pants, and I love wearing stockings, love, love, love! Especially with my boots (I'm wearing my boots more than usual because I'm still waiting for my creepers). Too bad summer's coming, no stockings for a while (not that summer is bad!)

So I've been having a lot of parcels arriving lately, and finally my new Jeffrey Campbell's came a few days ago! I am so excited! I cannot contain myself when it comes to shoes. I posted a photo of my Instagram, but I will eventually get photo's up on here. I've just bought one pair and I've already found 7 more pairs I have waiting on my checkout list uhhhhh. And there are always the pairs on the wishlist, oviously Jeffrey Campbells and Unif's, cannot go wrong with them, ever. Hopefully one day I will get them. And with the shoe collection I have now, no matter what my mum says (She's worried I will develop an addiction and encourages I stop buying more and be happy wearing the one's I have now), it will keep growing! I will have to post about them, it will be a fun post. But for now, this is the end of this post, and I need to start watching season 3 of Breaking Bad, gotta catch up! Toodles!

Ex Oh. 

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